
MIK3 SA is a dynamic and flexible IT company with headquarters in Thessaloniki, Greece.

It faces the modern market challenges, based on it’s permanently evolving human resources, that functions as a team with the customer, in a diachronic relation of mutual profit.

The human resources of MIK3 have big experience in research, design and effectuation of information technology systems. Taking into consideration the professionalism, the consequence and the know-how, it’s human resources constitute the means of constant growth and objectives achievement.

The vision of persons leading the company as well as the one of it’s executives, is the creation of information technology solutions and hifh level services, giving the opportunity to it’s customers of becoming more competitive in their field.

The company placing the right substructure from it’s foundation and having as allies the consequence and the quality, the strategic collaborations and the trust of it’s customers, heads with absolute success opening new horizons and prospects.

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